Homicide & Murder

Harclerode Law:

Homicide & Murder Attorneys

Defending Clients in All of West Virginia

West Virginia takes violent crimes like homicide very seriously, prosecuting them with extreme severity. Crimes such as murder are considered among the most heinous and can lead to life-changing consequences. A conviction for homicide or murder can result in life imprisonment and a permanent criminal record, severely limiting future opportunities for employment and a normal life after release.

If you’ve been accused of homicide or murder, securing the right criminal defense lawyer quickly is essential. The sooner your legal defense begins, the better your chances of navigating the legal system successfully.

At Harclerode Law, we have over 30 years of experience defending clients charged with violent crimes, including murder and homicide. Our trial attorneys work closely with clients, providing one-on-one guidance to achieve the best possible outcome. If you’re facing charges or an investigation for someone’s death, contact us immediately for expert legal representation.

Homicide & Murder in West Virginia

Homicide in West Virginia refers to the unlawful killing of another person, which can be classified into murder or manslaughter, depending on intent and circumstances.

Murder in West Virginia

Under §61-2-1 of the West Virginia Code, murder is categorized into two degrees:

  • First-degree murder: A premeditated, deliberate killing committed with malice. This includes murders that occur during the commission of other felonies like robbery, arson, or sexual assault.
  • Second-degree murder: A killing that is not premeditated but is still committed with malice, such as during an act of violence or reckless behavior.

Manslaughter in West Virginia

  • Voluntary manslaughter: An intentional killing done in the heat of passion or under emotional distress, such as in a fit of rage after discovering infidelity.
  • Involuntary manslaughter: An unintentional killing resulting from criminal negligence or recklessness, such as causing a fatal car accident while driving under the influence.

Penalties for Homicide & Murder

Penalties in West Virginia vary depending on the offense:

  • First-degree murder: Life imprisonment without parole or life imprisonment with parole eligibility after 15 years.
  • Second-degree murder: 10-40 years in prison.
  • Voluntary manslaughter: 3-15 years in prison.
  • Involuntary manslaughter: Up to 5 years in prison and/or a fine of up to $2,500.

Legal Defenses in Homicide or Murder Cases

Defending against homicide or murder charges may involve several strategies, including:

  • Self-defense: Arguing that the defendant acted to protect themselves or others from imminent harm.
  • Insanity: Claiming the defendant was legally insane at the time of the crime and therefore not responsible.
  • Accident: Proving the death was an accident, not due to criminal negligence or recklessness.
  • Alibi: Demonstrating the defendant was not present at the crime scene, thus proving innocence.

If you are facing homicide or murder charges, you need an experienced defense attorney in your corner. Contact Harclerode Law at (304) 931-0479 for a free consultation today. We will help you navigate this challenging legal process with the goal of protecting your rights and securing your future.

Contact Harclerode Law today to schedule a consultation with our Homicide & Murder lawyer in Clarksburg.